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Down by the River钢琴谱-Milky Chance

钢琴谱 2023-03-12 02:53:26 歌谱吧
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Down by the River-Milky Chance五线谱预览1

Down by the River-Milky Chance五线谱预览2

Down by the River-Milky Chance五线谱预览3

Down by the River-Milky Chance五线谱预览4


Down by the River是由德国二人组Milky Chance演唱的一首英文歌曲。收录在其专辑《Sadnecessary》之中,并且作为第二支单曲发行于2014年3月28号。

歌词下方是Down by the River钢琴谱,希望大家喜欢。

Down by the River歌词:

Down by the river, I was drawn by your grace

Into tempest of oblivion and to the lovers-place

I was stuck in a puddle, full of tears and unwise

Dark doings now I know, that we've paid unlike

Honey I know, hey when we walked arm in arm

I felt like we can throw away the falseness of our past

And I know too it''s been the hardest days for you

Let''s throw them out the window

That's what those lovers do

Down by the river, I was drawn by your grace

Into tempest of oblivion and to the lovers-place

I was stuck in a puddle, full of tears and unwise

Dark doings now I know, that we've paid unlike

Honey I know, hey when we walked arm in arm

I felt like we can throw away the falseness of our past

And I know too it''s been the hardest days for you

Let''s throw them out the window

That's what those lovers do

Ooh, down by river

Ooh, down by river

Ooh, down by river

Ooh, down by river

Down by the river, I was drawn by your grace

Into tempest of oblivion and to the lovers-place

I was stuck in a puddle, full of tears and unwise

Dark doings now I know, that we've paid unlike

Honey I know, hey when we walked arm in arm

I felt like we can throw away the falseness of our past

And I know too it''s been the hardest days for you

Let''s throw them out the window

That's what those lovers do

Ooh, ooh

Ooh, ooh

Ooh, ooh

Ooh, ooh

标签: DownbytheRiverMilkyChance

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